Open Society Foundation

The Open Society Foundation is an important strategic partner providing  grant support for UNFPA’s life saving humanitarian work on the field where it’s most needed through UNFPA’s Humanitarian Thematic Fund, and also funds resource mobilization operational support.

With support of the Open Society Foundations, UNFPA is able to increase the resources in the Humanitarian Thematic Fund, which is a UNFPA co-financing mechanism launched in late 2018 that provides flexible, multi-year funding for the increasing number of UNFPA humanitarian programmes around the world, providing greater opportunities for “bridge” funding to ensure continued delivery of needed humanitarian assistance, especially during gaps in dedicated donor co- financing. It is administered by the UNFPA Humanitarian Office.

OSF’s support to UNFPA’s Humanitarian Thematic Fund (HTF) enabled UNFPA to respond to nearly 50 countries facing humanitarian emergencies in 2021, including needs linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. The HTF disbursed a total of $19.1 million to provide time-critical and life-saving humanitarian support in 49 countries (including regional offices).

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