COVID-19 Situation Report No. 2 for UNFPA Asia and Pacific
Resource date: May 2020
Author: UNFPA
Resource date: May 2020
Author: UNFPA
"The UNFPA response in the region aligns with the 2030 Agenda, the 2020 WHO Global Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Global Humanitarian Response Plan, and the UNFPA COVID-19
Global Response Plan."
Activities are jointly conducted with key partners through the UN country team, humanitarian country team and/or the disaster management team to support government response plans. Activities are coordinated through national and sub-national coordination mechanisms, including through the cluster/sector system where activated. In many countries, UNFPA leads or co-leads the SRH and/or GBV coordination groups."
"At the regional level, UNFPA co-leads: the regional ad-hoc preventing sexual and exploitation abuse (PSEA) task force with dedicated emphasis on PSEA and COVID-19, and the UN Regional Communication Group. UNFPA is an active member of several regional interagency COVID-19 working groups, including the Risk Communications and Community Engagement WG. UNFPA also hosts the Regional Emergency GBV Advisor (REGA) team."
"Continuity of SRH interventions, including protection of health workforce"
"UNFPA is supporting continuity of SRH interventions by: