
Statement of UNFPA Executive Director, Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, on the Newly Established UN Women

06 July 2010

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, welcomes the establishment of UN Women, the new entity for gender equality and women's empowerment. The Fund looks forward to supporting and working closely with UN Women as gender equality and women's empowerment are critical to the achievement of international development goals and the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development.

While establishing UN Women, the General Assembly also enjoined the rest of the United Nations system to continue its work on gender equality and women's empowerment. Therefore, UNFPA's mandate in this field will continue, with a special focus on sexual and reproductive health, population and development, especially within the framework of culture and human rights.

At the country level, UNFPA will continue its work on gender in dialogue and partnerships with national actors, United Nations country teams and other development partners. UNFPA will also seek to gain from and use UN Women's knowledge base to strengthen and inform the Fund's capacities in the context of the gender dimensions of sexual and reproductive health and population programmes.


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