Interagency Implementing Partner PSEA (Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) Protocol Resource Package
Resource date: 17 Nov 2022
Publisher: UNFPA
Resource date: 17 Nov 2022
Publisher: UNFPA
The Interagency IP Protocol Resource Package consists of resources for all UN partners related to the United Nations Protocol on Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Involving Implementing Partners (United Nations IP Protocol).
The template includes the IASC-approved template (converted into spreadsheet format) for partners to self-assess. It also includes sheets for UN personnel to rate and score the assessment, develop and monitor a capacity strengthening plan.
Sample message inviting CSO partners to complete the PSEA assessment, sample request to partners for clarification, and sample message to share results with partner.
Joint inter-agency guidance for partners on the PSEA assessment process and technical guidance for assessing each core standard.