Evaluation of the UNFPA response to the Syria crisis (2011-2018)

This evaluation is an independent assessment of the UNFPA overall response to the Syria humanitarian crisis including its contribution to the Whole of Syria approach.

Lessons learned from UNFPA Country Programme Evaluations 2014-2015

This report brings together the findings from a sample of 26 UNFPA CPE reports, conducted and quality-assessed between 2014 and 2015, in order to inform and strengthen programming.

Evaluation of the architecture supporting the operationalisation of the UNFPA Strategic Plan (2014-2017)

The purpose of the evaluation was to feed into the preparation of the new UNFPA strategic plan with independent evaluative evidence and lessons learned, specifically related to the elements of the architecture supporting its operationalisation.

Evaluation of UNFPA Support to Adolescents and Youth (2008-2015)

The evaluation purpose was to assess the performance of UNFPA in its support to adolescents and youth during the period 2008-2015 falling under the UNFPA Framework for Action on Adolescents and Youth and the UNFPA Strategic Plan 2008-2013 (including the midterm review).

Evaluation of the UNFPA Support to Family Planning (2008-2013)

The evaluation purpose was to assess the performance of UNFPA in the field of family planning and to provide learning to inform the implementation of the current UNFPA Family Planning Strategy, Choices not chance (2012-2020).

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