About TransformU

Universities serve as incubators of new ideas, projects and solutions to reaffirm faith in fundamental rights and leave no one behind. They also play a pivotal role in engaging academics, scientists, researchers and students in generating the knowledge, analysis and expertise needed to meet UNFPA’s three transformative results.

To meet the “three zeros” by 2030: zero preventable maternal deaths, zero unmet need for family planning, and zero gender-based violence, including child marriage and other harmful practices, UNFPA created and formally launched a university network called TransformU. 

Initiated at the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 in 2019, the TransformU Network is a membership-based network of institutions of higher education to join UNFPA’s vision to address three transformative results. The network is a collaborative system that encourages cooperation among members by developing opportunities to exchange knowledge and best practices. The key priorities for the TransformU are:

  1. To raise the profile of UNFPA’s three transformative goals in academia by offering a platform for advocacy knowledge exchange
  2. Enhance student awareness and engagement in UNFPA’s work

UNFPA is continuously looking to expand the TransformU network membership partnering with academic institutions and engaging student activist groups to raise the platform of SRHR within academia. Interested in joining us? Sign up here

Join transformU

three young women smile with CSE material in hand


TransformU Network Activities

hand icon orangeAnnual Consultation: TransformU holds an annual consultation meeting for all members including academic institutions from across the globe. The annual consultations is a platform for advocacy and knowledge sharing in the area of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). It also presents an opportunity to highlight ongoing research by participating universities around the three zeroes through thematic sessions.


young people iconStudent Engagement: The network is an inclusive platform which offers space to academics as well as students at university level. UNFPA is working to engage more young people in the network to ensure that the voice of youth is represented, towards the growth, sustainability and relevance of the network.


stick person pointing to blackboard icon

 Member-Led Activities: TransformU network members inclusive of Universities, Academic Research Centres and Institutions of higher learning periodically host meetings, webinars, workshops and other activities on issues related to UNFPA’s mandate such as ending maternal death, cervical cancer, GBV and more These meetings provide a platform to present research to their peers, receive feedback from the network members and potential for collaboration among members.



Activities include:

  • Youth-focused challenges and campaigns to raise awareness on SRHR, Family Planning, HIV/Aids, Bodyright etc. in Universities
  • On-campus activations promoting life-skills education and universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, and HIV prevention.


Calendar of Activities*



November - December 2022 Webinar: Virtual orientation and Perivoli Africa Research Centre (PARC) Presentation of the research priorities in Sub-Saharan Africa in relation to ICPD25
Webinar Series: Maternal health and maternal death - session one
Competition: Student online competition on bodyright
January - April 2023 Cervical cancer webinar - Session One
Webinar Series: Maternal health and maternal death- session two
Cervical cancer webinar - Session Two
TransformU Annual Consultation during Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) 2023


*Please note that the calendar of activities is indicative and dates are subject to change.

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