International Consultant: Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies: Technical Writer

  • Level: Consultant
  • Contract type: Consultancy
  • Closing date: 09 Apr 2018 05:00 PM (America/New_York)
  • Duty station: Remote-Home based 90 working days within 11 months


As part of the GBV AoR’s mandate to provide guidance on prevention and response to gender-based violence (GBV) in emergencies, a Task Team[1] was formed to help coordinate a process to develop global inter-agency minimum standards for a specialized core program package to prevent and respond to gender based violence in emergencies (GBViE).   UNFPA, UNICEF and the IRC, together with the Task Team, led a process from March to October 2017 to investigate the utility and feasibility of developing Minimum Standards for agencies/actors working on specialized GBViE programming.  Feedback from ten field consultations and an online survey reflected a clear consensus that there is a high demand for Global Minimum Standards for GBV specialized programming. Participants identified a critical need to establish clear expectations regarding the scope and quality of GBViE specialist programming and supported the development of Minimum Standards that are relevant, applicable and user-friendly, across the spectrum of preparedness, emergency response, protracted crisis, and recovery. Furthermore, the consultations revealed a need for a common approach to GBV in emergencies as well as a common language for clarity around what constitutes GBV prevention and response.  In January 2018, the GBV AoR Core members endorsed the development of Global Minimum Standards for GBV specialized programming.

Project Overview:

Project Objective:  Produce and disseminate a resource to align programming to a set of agreed upon Minimum Standards for GBV specialized programming, so that programmes will ultimately support:

  • Survivors of GBV, particularly women and girls, safely accessing survivor-centered services
  • The prioritization of the safety of women and girls
  • Reducing the risk of GBV faced by persons in situations of vulnerability, particularly women & girls.

It is envisioned that Minimum Standards will:

  1. establish global and measurable expectations regarding the minimum scope and quality of specialized GBViE programming
  2. increase quality GBV specialized programming as well as monitor the effectiveness of interventions
  3. increase accountability among all key stakeholders and harmonize minimum service delivery
  4. be used as a tool to train, motivate and build the capacity of staff
  5. establish minimum benchmarks against which programming can be measured, and
  6. be an advocacy tool around ensuring quality and minimum services are in place and asserting that  GBViE programming is lifesaving

Furthermore the Minimum Standards will complement existing IASC GBV Guidelines (2015), a resource intended for a separate audience, namely non-GBV specialist humanitarian actors.

The Consultant will work with the ongoing UNFPA, UNICEF and IRC leadership of the GBV AoR Task Team on GBV Minimum Standards to define the scope and develop and finalize a set of Minimum Standards on GBViE for piloting in 2 countries. 


  1. Develop timeline and process in coordination with leadership and task team
  2. Use recent standard setting resources on GBV in emergencies to inform global minimum standards. 
  3. Identify areas that may need a consultation by subject matter experts.  
  4. Ensure that the GBV Minimum Standards build upon and are coherent with existing evidence, technical knowledge, evaluated strategies and lessons learned.
  5. Consult with GBV and humanitarian experts, as needed and agreed upon.
  6. Lead the development, together with the coordination team, of the agenda for multi-day meetings (2) to workshop and get feedback on drafts of GBV in Emergencies Minimum Standards and act as co-facilitator with Task Team leads.
  7. Support development and delivery of a package for field consultations and testing.
  8. Incorporate feedback from workshops (2) and field consultations (10) on Minimum Standards drafts.   


  1. A detailed annotated outline of the Minimum Standards for GBV specialized programming with two sample standards sections completed.
  2. One workshop with Task Team members co-facilitated; feedback/inputs feed into development of GBV Minimum Standards. Report of feedback from workshop 1 and follow-up agenda to integrate input for next draft.
  3. One workshop with AoR core members/sub-cluster coordinators co-facilitated; feedback/inputs feed into development of GBV Minimum Standards in Emergencies Minimum Standards.  Report of feedback from workshop 2 and follow-up agenda to integrate input for next draft.
  4. A finalized set of Minimum Standards for GBV ready to be piloted in 2 countries that build upon and are coherent with existing evidence, technical knowledge, evaluated strategies and lessons learned.  This final draft for piloting will also integrate feedback from the following processes: diagnostic process as captured in roadmap report (2017), Task Team workshop (TBC June 2018).  Ten 1-day field consultations (2018), and feedback from the AoR core member/coordinator workshop (TBC January 2019).


Deliverables 2018:


Date (all dates and timeline to be confirmed upon hiring of Consultant):

  1. A detailed annotated outline of the Minimum Standards on GBViE with two sample standards sections completed.

May 2018

  1. Core group (Task Team) meeting co-facilitated resulting in clear feedback/direction for drafting of full set of Minimum Standards.  Report of feedback from workshops and follow-up plan to integrate feedback.

June 2018

  1. Full set of Minimum Standards drafted that build upon and are coherent with existing evidence, technical knowledge, evaluated strategies and lessons learned. Task team reviews and inputs integrated. 

31 August 2018

  1. Input provided to field consult feedback package. 

10 September 2018

  1. Feedback from field level consults and subject matter expert (SME) groups integrated into Minimum Standards to develop draft #2.    

28 November 2018

  1. Provision of input into agenda of AoR Core member workshop.

15 December 2018

  1. Participation in AoR coordinators/core members’ workshop. Feedback from the AoR core member workshop (TBC January 2019) integrated into draft.

January 2019 (date TBD)

  1. A finalized set of Minimum Standards on GBViE ready to be piloted in 2 countries.

28 February 2019


  • An advanced university degree in public health, social work, law, gender studies, international development or related degree.
  • Must have a proven track record of published work related to specialist GBV programming such as guidance, capacity building tools, courses and policy briefs.
  • A minimum of 10 years’ working experience in program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation in a conflict or post-conflict context with increasingly responsible professional experience in the area of gender-based violence specialist programming (essential), plus broader work on gender equality, and women’s empowerment (desirable),
  • Excellent English writing skills and the ability to translate difficult concepts into clear, accessible language (without jargon) and to provide practical and evidence based guidance with sources cited correctly.
  • Demonstrated experience delivering GBV response and prevention programming, including psychosocial, socioeconomic, health, and legal interventions.
  • Extensive experience in developing and facilitating workshops/trainings on GBV is essential.
  • Possess thorough knowledge of global standards and international human rights norms.
  • Experience in culturally sensitive programming, essential.
  • Fluency in English is required. Working knowledge of another official UN language is desirable.


Please send your CV, letter of interest, 3 links (or attachments) to writing samples (published guidance/reports of which you are the primary/sole author), and completed p-11 form to Please include “GBV in Emergencies Technical Writer/Expert - IC” in your subject line. Applications are due no later than 9 April 2018.  We will not accept incomplete applications.

[1] The Task Team is chaired and facilitated by UNFPA and co-chaired by UNICEF and the International Rescue Committee (IRC).  Additional members include: UNHCR, Mercy Corps, the GBV Guidelines Reference Group, IOM, Raising Voices (Uganda), the Irish Consortium on GBV, and the IFRC.

[2] Note that the dates are indicative and note exact (the exact dates of the deliverables will be confirmed). 


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