Delivering a world where every childbirth is safe


We know how to save almost all women who die giving life. The first step is to ensure they can plan their pregnancies and space their births. Skilled birth attendance at delivery, with backup emergency obstetric care and essential supplies in place, is also critical. Perhaps the most challenging aspect of reducing maternal death and disability is finding ways to reach all women, even those in the poorest, most remote areas, and those belonging to marginalized groups such as national minorities, migrants and women with disabilities.
This involves bolstering health systems. Most countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia already have well-established systems with at least basic infrastructure and skilled professionals. But more needs to be done to ensure that SRH services meet quality standards and are equally accessible to everyone. The goal is for women to receive a continuum of preventive and curative services, according to their needs over time and across different levels of health systems. This approach saves money and saves lives.

This is what we do:

  • Work with ministries and service providers to ensure quality SRH services
  • Train midwives and health workers
  • Ensure reliable supplies of essential medicines and equipment
  • Strengthen emergency obstetric care
  • Supply clean birthing kits following disasters
  • Support integration of reproductive health packages in national disaster preparedness plans

The region has achieved almost universal access to antenatal care, and skilled personnel attend 95 per cent of births.
Over the past decade, maternal mortality fell from 64 to 34 per 100,000 live births.

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