Statements & Speeches

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  • 12 Apr 2010
  • Statement

Health, Morbidity, Mortality and Development

<p>We are gathered at this session to discuss health, morbidity, mortality and development. Today, people are living longer than ever before and this is surely one of humanity’s greatest…

Health, Morbidity, Mortality and Development

<p>We are gathered at this session to discuss health, morbidity, mortality and development. Today, people are living longer…

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  • 08 Apr 2010
  • Statement

Together We Are Stronger

<p>At a Summit of Religious Leaders  in the Netherlands , UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya Obaid summed up the discussions on religious leadership in response to AIDS and the way forward.</p…

Together We Are Stronger

<p>At a Summit of Religious Leaders  in the Netherlands , UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya Obaid summed up the discussions…

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  • 01 Mar 2010
  • Statement

Beijing+15 and the Millennium Development Goals: Focus on Accountability and Equity

<p>It is always a pleasure to address the Commission on the Status of Women. This is one of the most dynamic bodies in the UN system thanks to the strong voices and participation of leaders…

Beijing+15 and the Millennium Development Goals: Focus on Accountability and…

<p>It is always a pleasure to address the Commission on the Status of Women. This is one of the most dynamic bodies in the…

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  • 22 Feb 2010
  • Statement

Advancing the Agenda of the International Conference on Population and Development

<p>NEW YORK — On 16 February, UNFPA Executive Director welcomed NGO representatives to a consultative meeting and called for unity and focus in moving the outcomes of the ICPD/15 review forward…

Advancing the Agenda of the International Conference on Population and…

<p>NEW YORK — On 16 February, UNFPA Executive Director welcomed NGO representatives to a consultative meeting and called…

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  • 06 Feb 2010
  • Statement

International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

<p>Progress has been made in recent years in reducing the incidence of female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C), largely because communities and families are taking action and calling for…

International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

<p>Progress has been made in recent years in reducing the incidence of female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C),…

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  • 20 Jan 2010
  • Statement

Statement of Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, First Regular Session UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board

<p>Normally I begin the first regular session by wishing all of you a Happy New Year. But this year, while I wish you all the best, I would like to begin by extending solidarity, compassion and…

Statement of Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, First Regular Session UNDP/UNFPA Executive…

<p>Normally I begin the first regular session by wishing all of you a Happy New Year. But this year, while I wish you all…

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  • 10 Dec 2009
  • Statement

Louis B. Sohn Human Rights Award Acceptance Speech

<p>I accept this Louis B. Sohn Award with a deep sense of gratitude, humility and responsibility. I am deeply honoured to be selected as the first United Nations official to receive this…

Louis B. Sohn Human Rights Award Acceptance Speech

<p>I accept this Louis B. Sohn Award with a deep sense of gratitude, humility and responsibility. I am deeply honoured to…

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  • 03 Dec 2009
  • Statement

Address to Seminar on Violence against Women

<p>Last week I attended the commemorations at UN headquarters for the International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women. At the commemoration, Secretary-General BAN Ki-moon launched a…

Address to Seminar on Violence against Women

<p>Last week I attended the commemorations at UN headquarters for the International Day of Elimination of Violence against…

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  • 02 Dec 2009
  • Statement

Promoting Maternal Health and Empowerment of Women in Diverse Cultural and Religious Settings

<p>We can accomplish so much more when we join hands and work together, respecting each other’s mandate and reaching common ground. UNFPA’s <i>State of Population Report</i> for…

Promoting Maternal Health and Empowerment of Women in Diverse Cultural and…

<p>We can accomplish so much more when we join hands and work together, respecting each other’s mandate and reaching common…

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