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Escaping child marriage in Sierra Leone

"According to our tradition, a girl should get married when she reaches puberty," said Zainab Binta Jalloh, a 23-year-old from Sierra Leone’s Koinadugu District. She would know – she was married when she was...

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Women's centre in Iraq helps women "knit" their lives back together

Haneen Ali* was 22 years old when conflict forced her family to flee their home in Mosul, in northern Iraq. With her parents, she hiked through minefields before finding safety in the Debaga camp.


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In the Philippines, information key to halting teenage pregnancy

“I was shocked when I found out I was pregnant,” said Gina*, now 19. At the time, she was a third-year high school student in Iloilo, a central province of the Philippines, and already six months into the pregnancy.

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Health workers can treat, empower survivors of gender-based violence

“I was sold more than once,” Resalah* told UNFPA . A member of the Yazidi minority, she was abducted by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS or Da’esh), traded as property and subjected to...

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Perilous conditions for pregnant women displaced in northern Syria

A surge in violence in Syria’s northern Afrin region has triggered a mass displacement of the civilian population, with an estimated 98,000 people fleeing as the hostilities approached Afrin City. The humanitarian...

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Violence knows no borders: Leaders, activists take on horrors of gender-based violence

Leaders and youth advocates gathered in New York on Tuesday to discuss how to work together to end violence against women and girls, the most prevalent human rights violation in the world. The event, Violence Knows No...

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New generation of women saying: “Not yet”

Kyae Nai, 23, has been married for two years and has one young child, in north-western Myanmar. “I want another child,” she said. “But not yet.”

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The rise of a girl hero

In her home district in far-western Nepal, 19-year-old Sangita BK needs no introduction. She is well-known as an activist against child marriage. In the last three years, she has – on her own – stopped at least a dozen...

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In Indonesia, family support groups tackle roots of gender violence

JAYAPURA, Indonesia – “My daughter used to hide all sorts of things from me,” said Martina, 41, at a support group session in Jayapura, in the far-eastern Indonesian province of West Papua. “But here, we learn to talk...

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