2021 en imágenes
21 Dic 2021
En 2021, las mujeres y niñas vulnerables han seguido soportando las cargas más pesadas de las crisis combinadas del mundo, desde la pandemia de COVID-19 hasta las crisis económicas, los conflictos, las catástrofes climáticas y la violencia basada en el género. Sin embargo, frente a tan formidables retos, los programas vitales de salud sexual y reproductiva han seguido funcionando, y siguen ayudando a millones de personas en todo el mundo. Este es un recordatorio de cómo prevalecieron, y de cómo el UNFPA sigue comprometido con la defensa de los derechos y las opciones para todos. 
© UNFPA/Mbuto Machili
2021 en imágenes
2021 en imágenes
Un grupo de mujeres rohinyá en el campo de refugiados de Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, se reunió para producir máscaras reutilizables hechas a mano para ganarse la vida, aumentar sus habilidades y ayudar a proteger a su comunidad.
© UNFPA Bangladesh/Fahima Tajrin
A Rohingya women’s group in the refugee camp of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, came together to produce hand-made, reusable masks so they can make a living, boost their skills and help to protect their community.
A Rohingya women’s group in the refugee camp of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, came together to produce hand-made, reusable masks so they can make a living, boost their skills and help to protect their community.
La demanda de servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva continuó, a pesar de que se interrumpieron las cadenas de suministro y se vieron afectados los sistemas de salud. Las parteras de una sala de maternidad de Tailandia vigilan a una embarazada previendo posibles complicaciones.
© UNFPA Thailand/Chalit Saphaphak
Demand for sexual and reproductive health services continued, even as supply chains were disrupted and health systems stretched. Midwives in a maternity ward in Thailand monitor a pregnant woman for potential complications.
Demand for sexual and reproductive health services continued, even as supply chains were disrupted and health systems stretched. Midwives in a maternity ward in Thailand monitor a pregnant woman for potential complications.
Los cierres de escuelas y otras dificultades relacionadas con la pandemia han socavado el acceso a la información sobre salud sexual y reproductiva. Para cerrar la brecha, el UNFPA ha aumentado las herramientas en línea. Un estudiante en Malawi participa en una clase digital interactiva de educación sexual integral.
© UNFPA/Luis Tato
School closures and other pandemic-related hardships have undermined access to sexual and reproductive health information. To close the gap, UNFPA has ramped up online tools. A student in Malawi engages with a digital interactive comprehensive sexuality education class.
School closures and other pandemic-related hardships have undermined access to sexual and reproductive health information. To close the gap, UNFPA has ramped up online tools. A student in Malawi engages with a digital interactive comprehensive sexuality education class.
Los desastres naturales rompieron récords a lo largo del año. El bebé Joshua Enmanuel nació bajo un puente donde su familia buscó refugio después de los mortales huracanes que azotaron el país a finales de 2020. Las tormentas destruyeron hogares y centros sanitarios y dejaron a millones de personas sin medios para acceder a cuidados vitales.
© UNFPA Honduras
Natural disasters broke records throughout the year. Baby Joshua Enmanuel was born under a bridge where his family sought shelter following the deadly hurricanes that swept through the country in late 2020. The storms destroyed homes, health facilities and left millions without means to access life-saving care.
Natural disasters broke records throughout the year. Baby Joshua Enmanuel was born under a bridge where his family sought shelter following the deadly hurricanes that swept through the country in late 2020. The storms destroyed homes, health facilities and left millions without means to access life-saving care.
Este año también vio a las mujeres levantarse y exigir medidas para poner fin a la violencia y la desigualdad basadas en el género. En el Foro de la Generación Igualdad, que tuvo lugar en París, la Directora Ejecutiva del UNFPA, Dra. Natalia Kanem, encabezó una delegación que pedía medidas inmediatas para salvaguardar la autonomía corporal y el acceso a la salud y los derechos sexuales y reproductivos.
© Dysturb
This year also saw women rising up, demanding action to end gender-based violence and inequality. At the Generation Equality Forum in Paris, UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem led a delegation calling for immediate action to safeguard bodily autonomy and access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.
This year also saw women rising up, demanding action to end gender-based violence and inequality. At the Generation Equality Forum in Paris, UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem led a delegation calling for immediate action to safeguard bodily autonomy and access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.
La misma llamada de clarín se oyó en todo el mundo. En la República Democrática del Congo, una sobreviviente de la violencia sexual compartió su terrible historia y sus recomendaciones para ayudar a la comunidad internacional a aumentar la responsabilidad del sistema humanitario.
© UNFPA DRC/Luis Tato
The same clarion call rang out around the world. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a survivor of sexual violence shared her harrowing story and her recommendations to help the international community increase the accountability of the humanitarian system.
The same clarion call rang out around the world. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a survivor of sexual violence shared her harrowing story and her recommendations to help the international community increase the accountability of the humanitarian system.
En abril, la Organización Mundial de la Salud señaló que la planificación familiar seguía siendo uno de los servicios de salud más afectados del mundo. Ese mismo mes, el UNFPA anunció que a casi la mitad de las mujeres de 57 países se les niega la autonomía corporal, incluido el poder de decidir sobre la anticoncepción. Una proveedora de salud del UNFPA inserta un implante anticonceptivo en Cortes, Honduras.
© UNFPA Honduras
In April, the World Health Organization said family planning continued to be one of the most extensively disrupted health services in the world. The same month, UNFPA announced that nearly half of women in 57 countries are denied bodily autonomy, including decision-making power over contraception. A UNFPA health provider inserts a contraceptive implant in Cortes, Honduras.
In April, the World Health Organization said family planning continued to be one of the most extensively disrupted health services in the world. The same month, UNFPA announced that nearly half of women in 57 countries are denied bodily autonomy, including decision-making power over contraception. A UNFPA health provider inserts a contraceptive implant in Cortes, Honduras.
Sin embargo, las mujeres y las niñas se negaron desanimarse. En Mozambique, estas niñas se han llenado de valor para reclamar sus derechos. La suya es una generación que pide que se adopten medidas sobre el cambio climático, el desempleo, la pobreza, la desigualdad de género y los conflictos.
© UNFPA/Mbuto Machili
But women and girls refused to despair. In Mozambique, these girls have been emboldened to claim their rights. Theirs is a generation calling for action on climate change, unemployment, poverty, gender inequality and conflict.
But women and girls refused to despair. In Mozambique, these girls have been emboldened to claim their rights. Theirs is a generation calling for action on climate change, unemployment, poverty, gender inequality and conflict.
Este año, el mundo finalmente comenzó a prestar atención a la violencia de género en línea. La violencia digital no es simplemente una conducta ofensiva; tiene enormes repercusiones en el mundo real para las personas y las sociedades. Una niña en Palestina que fue sometida a ciberacoso se encuentra ahora en un espacio seguro apoyado por el UNFPA, donde está recibiendo apoyo legal y psicosocial para ayudarla a sanar.
© Nablus Shelter
This year, the world finally began to pay attention to online gender-based violence. Digital violence is not mere “trolling”; it has vast real-world repercussions for individuals and societies. A girl in Palestine who was subjected to cyberbullying is now in a UNFPA-supported safe space, where she is receiving legal and psychosocial support to help her heal.
This year, the world finally began to pay attention to online gender-based violence. Digital violence is not mere “trolling”; it has vast real-world repercussions for individuals and societies. A girl in Palestine who was subjected to cyberbullying is now in a UNFPA-supported safe space, where she is receiving legal and psychosocial support to help her heal.
La importancia de la inclusividad tomó el centro de la escena mientras los defensores destacaban cómo las comunidades marginadas se han visto afectadas y los servicios accesibles han sido frenados por la pandemia de COVID-19. En Ucrania, una iniciativa tiene por objeto ayudar a las niñas con discapacidad a jugar, interactuar y comunicarse en situaciones de conflicto interpersonal.
© UNFPA Ukraine/Adrii Krepkikh
And the importance of inclusivity took centre stage as advocates highlighted how marginalized communities have affected and accessible services have been curbed by the COVID-19 pandemic. In Ukraine, an initiative aims to help girls with disabilities to play, interact and communicate in situations with interpersonal conflict.
And the importance of inclusivity took centre stage as advocates highlighted how marginalized communities have affected and accessible services have been curbed by the COVID-19 pandemic. In Ukraine, an initiative aims to help girls with disabilities to play, interact and communicate in situations with interpersonal conflict.
Este año también se agravaron las crisis humanitarias. Esta familia perdió su refugio a causa de un incendio en un campamento para personas desplazadas por el cruento conflicto en Yemen. El UNFPA sigue prestando servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva y protección para salvar vidas a miles de mujeres y niñas desplazadas por la crisis en curso en el país.
© UNFPA Yemen
This year also saw humanitarian crises escalate. This family lost their shelter to a fire in a camp for people displaced by the gruelling conflict in Yemen. UNFPA continues to provide life-saving emergency sexual and reproductive health and protection services to thousands of women and girls displaced by the ongoing crisis in the country.
This year also saw humanitarian crises escalate. This family lost their shelter to a fire in a camp for people displaced by the gruelling conflict in Yemen. UNFPA continues to provide life-saving emergency sexual and reproductive health and protection services to thousands of women and girls displaced by the ongoing crisis in the country.
Una joven en un campamento de desplazados en la provincia de Marib (Yemen) disfruta de un momento de autocuidado con un kit de higiene femenina proporcionado como parte de un conjunto de medidas de socorro de emergencia del UNFPA. Los kits incluyen una linterna, jabón, un cepillo de dientes y otros productos de higiene personal y menstrual para ayudar a las mujeres y niñas a mantener su bienestar mientras están desplazadas.
© UNFPA yemen
A young girl in a displacement camp in Marib Governorate, Yemen, enjoys a moment of self-care with a dignity kit provided as part of an emergency relief package by UNFPA. The kits include a flashlight, soap, a toothbrush and other personal and menstrual hygiene products to help women and girls maintain their well-being while displaced.
A young girl in a displacement camp in Marib Governorate, Yemen, enjoys a moment of self-care with a dignity kit provided as part of an emergency relief package by UNFPA. The kits include a flashlight, soap, a toothbrush and other personal and menstrual hygiene products to help women and girls maintain their well-being while displaced.
Las innovaciones sanitarias, como el rápido desarrollo de las vacunas para la COVID-19, también fueron esenciales en 2021. En Benín, parteras descargan suministros médicos de una aeronave no tripulada en el centro de salud de maternidad de Firou, que forma parte de un programa piloto para suministrar medicamentos vitales y sangre a zonas aisladas.
© UNFPA/Olympia de Maismont
Health innovations, like the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines, also proved essential in 2021. Here, in Benin, midwives offload medical supplies from a drone in the Firou maternity health centre, part of a pilot programme to deliver vital medicines and blood to isolated areas.
Health innovations, like the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines, also proved essential in 2021. Here, in Benin, midwives offload medical supplies from a drone in the Firou maternity health centre, part of a pilot programme to deliver vital medicines and blood to isolated areas.
Una cosa no cambió este año: la dedicación incansable de las y los trabajadores de la salud, las y los trabajadores humanitarios, líderes comunitarios, defensores y defensoras de base, educadoras y educadores y madres y padres. A pesar de 12 meses de agitación, su ingenio, espíritu y esperanza continúan iluminando el camino hacia un futuro más vibrante. Una joven madre y un niño en un centro de salud apoyado por el UNFPA en Turmero, Venezuela.
© UNFPA Venezuela
But one thing did not change this year: the tireless dedication of health workers, humanitarian workers, community leaders, grassroots advocates, educators and parents. Despite 12 months of turmoil, their ingenuity, spirit and hope continue to light the way to a brighter future. A young mother and child at a UNFPA-supported health centre in Turmero, Venezuela.
But one thing did not change this year: the tireless dedication of health workers, humanitarian workers, community leaders, grassroots advocates, educators and parents. Despite 12 months of turmoil, their ingenuity, spirit and hope continue to light the way to a brighter future. A young mother and child at a UNFPA-supported health centre in Turmero, Venezuela.