The Joint Programme for Integrated Health Services for Adolescent Girls and Women in the Greater South of Haiti aims to build the capacities of health institutions in the region, which has the country’s lowest coverage of sexual, reproductive and child health. 

Funded by Canada and implemented by UNFPA, UNICEF, PAHO, WHO and UNAIDS, the programme started in 2018 and will run through March 2023. 

It will centre around 12 accredited ‘smile clinics’ providing quality maternal and newborn health care, complemented by comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care to meet the needs of women, adolescent girls, and children in their communities. The project will strengthen government institutions’ capacities for management, coordination and follow-up in delivering services to women, adolescent girls, and children.

Fund type
Programme country
Fund code
Fund photo
Fund start date
Fund end date
Fund status
Fund Photo : Hero banner
Fund shortened name
Health Services for Girls & Women, Haiti

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