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Rural midwives help save mothers in Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Rural midwives are working to end preventable maternal deaths.

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Cinq raisons pour lesquelles la migration est une question féministe

On estime qu'il y a un milliard de migrants dans le monde et les besoins des femmes sont souvent les plus négligés.

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Delivering into chaos: Gunshots, arson and childbirth in rural Kenya

Under armed attack, Lena Towai fled into the wilderness and gave birth in the dark – assisted only by a neighbour with a gunshot wound.

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De sage-femme à députée, faire progresser les droits des femmes aux Comores

Une sage-femme devient la seule femme députée aux Comores. Elle se bat pour l'égalité des sexes dans le pays.

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“The world needs to open their eyes”: Kasai survivors call for attention to crisis

“There was a lot of violence. Armed men abused and killed young girls, even while they were fleeing,” said Felikanko, 44. She was one of more than a million people who escaped the outbreak of conflict in the Democratic…

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Échapper au mariage précoce en Sierra Leone

« Selon nos traditions, une fille doit être mariée quand elle atteint la puberté », explique Zainab Binta Jalloh, une jeune fille de 23 ans qui vit dans le district de Koinadugu en Sierra Leone. Elle le sait bien : elle…

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Women's centre in Iraq helps women "knit" their lives back together

Haneen Ali* was 22 years old when conflict forced her family to flee their home in Mosul, in northern Iraq. With her parents, she hiked through minefields before finding safety in the Debaga camp.


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In the Philippines, information key to halting teenage pregnancy

“I was shocked when I found out I was pregnant,” said Gina*, now 19. At the time, she was a third-year high school student in Iloilo, a central province of the Philippines, and already six months into the pregnancy.

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Health workers can treat, empower survivors of gender-based violence

“I was sold more than once,” Resalah* told UNFPA . A member of the Yazidi minority, she was abducted by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS or Da’esh), traded as property and subjected to…

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