UNFPA Global Results

Global highlights

Global impact of UNFPA's support from 2018-2021

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Maternal Deaths Averted

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58.7 million

Unintended Pregnancies Averted

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16.90 million

Unsafe Abortions Averted

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New HIV Infections Averted

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16.30 million

Sexually Transmitted Infections Averted

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Girls saved from female genital mutilation

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Per cent of the population that was scheduled to be counted in the 2020 census round and was counted

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254 million

Couple-years of protection for contraceptives procured by UNFPA

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116 million

Women and young people reached with sexual and reproductive health and services

result icons


Women and girls living with obstetric fistula received treatment

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10.5 million

Marginalized girls reached by life skills programmes

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4.9 million

Women and girls who were subjected to violence accessed essential services

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9.1 million

Girls received, with support from UNFPA, prevention and/or protection services and care related to child, early, and forced marriage

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8.8 million

Girls and women received prevention and/or protection services and care related to female genital mutilation

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Disabled women and girls subjected to violence accessed essential services

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Communities that developed advocacy platforms, to eliminate discriminatory gender and sociocultural norms that affect women and girls

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Communities that made public declarations to eliminate harmful practices, including child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation

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3 million

Lives saved, of which 59 per cent were in a humanitarian context

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1.9 million

UNFPA-assisted safe deliveries in humanitarian or fragile settings

Key results

Achieved with UNFPA’s support, by indicator, time frame, region and country

Year :
  • SDG Reduced inequalities
    • i
      Countries that have developed a costed, integrated national plan for sexual and reproductive health, prioritizing access for key groupsx
    • i
      Countries that include needs of persons with disabilities in midwife curriculax
    • i
      Countries that had censuses that include questions on disabilityx
    • i
      Countries that had censuses that include questions on migrationx
  • SDG Good health and well-being
    • i
      Countries that have integrated sexual and reproductive health services into risk pooling schemesx
    • i
      Countries that have integrated sexual and reproductive health into emergency preparedness plansx
    • i
      Countries that have met target coverage for emergency obstetric and newborn carex
    • i
      Fistula repair surgeries supported by UNFPAx
    • i
      Countries that provided quality assured adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health servicesx
    • i
      Countries that provided essential health services for survivors of sexual violencex
    • i
      Countries that offered cervical cancer screening servicesx
    • i
      Countries that applied the sexual and reproductive health/HIV integration indexx
    • i
      Countries that implemented midwifery school curricula based on international standardsx
    • i
      Countries that trained health service providers on the minimum initial service packagex
    • i
      Countries that included adolescent health competencies in curricula of health professionalsx
    • i
      Countries that included prevention of stigma and discrimination in curricula of health professionalsx
    • i
      Countries that had a costed supply chain management strategy that includes UNFPA/WHO recommendations on rights-based contraceptive deliveryx
    • i
      Countries that used a logistics management information system for forecasting and monitoring sexual and reproductive health commoditiesx
    • i
      Countries that collected periodically sexual and reproductive health indicators, and made them publicly availablex
    • i
      Countries that conducted routine patient satisfaction surveys on provision of sexual and reproductive health servicesx
    • i
      Countries that were notified of at least 25 per cent of maternal deathsx
    • i
      Countries that had an inter-agency sexual and reproductive health coordination body during a humanitarian crisisx
    • i
      Countries that reached marginalized girls with health, social and economic asset-building programmesx
    • i
      Countries that operationalized comprehensive sexuality education curricula in accordance with international standardsx
    • i
      Countries that had a mechanism or strategy to deliver out-of-school comprehensive sexuality educationx
    • i
      Countries that integrated sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth into strategies of sectors apart from health sectorx
  • SDG Peace, justice, and strong institutions
    • i
      Countries that developed mechanisms for young people's participation in policy, programming, and peacebuildingx
    • i
      Countries that included young people in humanitarian response decision-makingx
    • i
      Countries that generated and published annual vital statistics based on civil registrationx
  • SDG Gender equality
    • i
      Countries that had strategies to align laws, policies and regulations on reproductive rightsx
    • i
      Countries that had a national mechanism to engage men and boys in policies and programmes to advance gender equality and reproductive rightsx
    • i
      Countries that rolled out intervention models or strategies that empower marginalized and excluded groups to exercise their reproductive rightsx
    • i
      Countries that established platforms for dialogue on reproductive rights, fully engaging civil society, including faith-based and state actorsx
    • i
      Countries that conducted an inquiry into the exercise of reproductive rightsx
    • i
      Countries that completed social norm mapping based on UNFPA social norm frameworkx
    • i
      Countries that utilized UNFPA manual on social norms and changex
    • i
      Countries that developed advocacy platforms to eliminate discriminatory gender and sociocultural norms that affect women and girlsx
    • i
      Countries that had a national mechanism to engage multiple stakeholders to prevent and address gender-based violencex
    • i
      Countries that provided females subjected to violence with access to essential services pakagesx
    • i
      Countries which have applied at least 15 of the 18 minimum standards for the prevention of and response to gender-based violence in emergencies x
    • i
      Countries that developed a costed national action plan to address harmful practicesx
    • i
      Countries that prevention and/or protection services and care related to child, early and forced marriage in partnership with UNFPAx
    • i
      Countries that offered prevention and/or protection services and care related to female genital mutilation in partnership with UNFPAx
    • i
      Communities that made public declarations to eliminate harmful practices, with support from UNFPAx
  • SDG Partnerships for the goals
    • i
      Countries that had national systems to collect and disseminate data on the incidence of gender-based violencex
    • i
      Countries that had a functioning inter-agency gender-based violence coordination body during a humanitarian crisisx
    • i
      Countries that had census results disaggregated by age and sex that are publicly accessible onlinex
    • i
      Countries that released a representative sample of census data within 12 months of launching the main census reportx
    • i
      Countries that conducted rapid assessments of populations affected during a humanitarian crisisx
    • i
      Countries that produced a common operational data set on population statisticsx
    • i
      Countries that generated publically available population projections at national and subnational levels, disaggregated by age, sex, and locationx
    • i
      Countries that integrated demographic dynamics into national development plansx
    • i
      Countries that generated and used small area estimations of sexual and reproductive health indicators for programme planningx
    • i
      Countries that generated and used mapping to illustrate the vulnerability of populations to disasters and humanitarian crisesx
  • SP Sexual and reproductive health
    • i
      Countries that have developed a costed, integrated national plan for sexual and reproductive health, prioritizing access for key groupsx
    • i
      Countries that have integrated sexual and reproductive health services into risk pooling schemesx
    • i
      Countries that have integrated sexual and reproductive health into emergency preparedness plansx
    • i
      Countries that have met target coverage for emergency obstetric and newborn carex
    • i
      Fistula repair surgeries supported by UNFPAx
    • i
      Countries that provided quality assured adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health servicesx
    • i
      Countries that provided essential health services for survivors of sexual violencex
    • i
      Countries that offered cervical cancer screening servicesx
    • i
      Countries that applied the sexual and reproductive health/HIV integration indexx
    • i
      Countries that implemented midwifery school curricula based on international standardsx
    • i
      Countries that include needs of persons with disabilities in midwife curriculax
    • i
      Countries that trained health service providers on the minimum initial service packagex
    • i
      Countries that included adolescent health competencies in curricula of health professionalsx
    • i
      Countries that included prevention of stigma and discrimination in curricula of health professionalsx
    • i
      Countries that had a costed supply chain management strategy that includes UNFPA/WHO recommendations on rights-based contraceptive deliveryx
    • i
      Countries that used a logistics management information system for forecasting and monitoring sexual and reproductive health commoditiesx
    • i
      Countries that collected periodically sexual and reproductive health indicators, and made them publicly availablex
    • i
      Countries that conducted routine patient satisfaction surveys on provision of sexual and reproductive health servicesx
    • i
      Countries that were notified of at least 25 per cent of maternal deathsx
    • i
      Countries that had an inter-agency sexual and reproductive health coordination body during a humanitarian crisisx
  • SP Adolescent and youth empowerment
    • i
      Countries that reached marginalized girls with health, social and economic asset-building programmesx
    • i
      Countries that operationalized comprehensive sexuality education curricula in accordance with international standardsx
    • i
      Countries that had a mechanism or strategy to deliver out-of-school comprehensive sexuality educationx
    • i
      Countries that integrated sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth into strategies of sectors apart from health sectorx
    • i
      Countries that developed mechanisms for young people's participation in policy, programming, and peacebuildingx
    • i
      Countries that included young people in humanitarian response decision-makingx
  • SP Gender equality and women's empowerment
    • i
      Countries that had strategies to align laws, policies and regulations on reproductive rightsx
    • i
      Countries that had a national mechanism to engage men and boys in policies and programmes to advance gender equality and reproductive rightsx
    • i
      Countries that rolled out intervention models or strategies that empower marginalized and excluded groups to exercise their reproductive rightsx
    • i
      Countries that established platforms for dialogue on reproductive rights, fully engaging civil society, including faith-based and state actorsx
    • i
      Countries that conducted an inquiry into the exercise of reproductive rightsx
    • i
      Countries that completed social norm mapping based on UNFPA social norm frameworkx
    • i
      Countries that utilized UNFPA manual on social norms and changex
    • i
      Countries that developed advocacy platforms to eliminate discriminatory gender and sociocultural norms that affect women and girlsx
    • i
      Countries that had a national mechanism to engage multiple stakeholders to prevent and address gender-based violencex
    • i
      Countries that had national systems to collect and disseminate data on the incidence of gender-based violencex
    • i
      Countries that provided females subjected to violence with access to essential services pakagesx
    • i
      Countries which have applied at least 15 of the 18 minimum standards for the prevention of and response to gender-based violence in emergencies x
    • i
      Countries that had a functioning inter-agency gender-based violence coordination body during a humanitarian crisisx
    • i
      Countries that developed a costed national action plan to address harmful practicesx
    • i
      Countries that prevention and/or protection services and care related to child, early and forced marriage in partnership with UNFPAx
    • i
      Countries that offered prevention and/or protection services and care related to female genital mutilation in partnership with UNFPAx
    • i
      Communities that made public declarations to eliminate harmful practices, with support from UNFPAx
  • SP Population data for development
    • i
      Countries that had census results disaggregated by age and sex that are publicly accessible onlinex
    • i
      Countries that released a representative sample of census data within 12 months of launching the main census reportx
    • i
      Countries that had censuses that include questions on disabilityx
    • i
      Countries that had censuses that include questions on migrationx
    • i
      Countries that conducted rapid assessments of populations affected during a humanitarian crisisx
    • i
      Countries that produced a common operational data set on population statisticsx
    • i
      Countries that generated and published annual vital statistics based on civil registrationx
    • i
      Countries that generated publically available population projections at national and subnational levels, disaggregated by age, sex, and locationx
    • i
      Countries that integrated demographic dynamics into national development plansx
    • i
      Countries that generated and used small area estimations of sexual and reproductive health indicators for programme planningx
    • i
      Countries that generated and used mapping to illustrate the vulnerability of populations to disasters and humanitarian crisesx

National plan for sexual and reproductive health

Countries that have developed a costed, integrated national plan for sexual and reproductive health, prioritizing access for key groups
Select region, country or territory Click on a region, country or territory or select from dropdown list
  • Achieved in 2021
  • Achieved before 2021
  • To Be Achieved
  • No UNFPA programme or data not reported
Higher Lower

This map shows each country's or territory's need for UNFPA support, based on availability of resources and on six indicators.
A dispute exists between the Governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Key results globally for 2021


National plan for sexual and reproductive health

7 countries have developed a costed, integrated national plan for sexual and reproductive health, prioritizing access for key groups


Sexual and reproductive health in risk pooling schemes

5 countries have integrated sexual and reproductive health services into risk pooling schemes


Sexual and reproductive health in emergency preparedness plans

16 have integrated sexual and reproductive health into emergency preparedness plans


Emergency obstetric and newborn care

24 met coverage for emergency obstetric and newborn care


Adolescent-friendly Sexual and reproductive health services

18 countries have provided quality assured adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health services


Health services for sexual violence survivors

15 countries have provided essential health services for survivors of sexual violence


Cervical cancer screening services

4 countries have offered cervical cancer screening services


Sexual and reproductive health/HIV index

14 countries have applied the sexual and reproductive health/HIV integration index


Midwifery curricula: international standards

14 countries have implemented midwifery school curricula based on international standards


Midwifery curricula: inclusion of special needs

14 countries have included needs of persons with disabilities in midwife curricula


Adolescent health competencies

12 included adolescent health competencies in curricula of health professionals


Discrimination prevention in health curricula

10 countries have included prevention of stigma and discrimination in curricula of health professionals


Supply chain management strategy

6 countries have a costed supply chain management strategy that includes UNFPA/WHO recommendations on rights-based contraceptive delivery


Logistics management information system

13 countries have used a logistics management information system for forecasting and monitoring sexual and reproductive health commodities


Sexual and reproductive health indicators available

23 countries have periodically collected sexual and reproductive health indicators, and made them publically available


Patient satisfaction surveys

12 countries have conducted routine patient satisfaction surveys on provision of sexual and reproductive health services


Maternal death notification

11 countries have been notified of at least 25 per cent of maternal deaths


School-based comprehensive sexuality education

17 countries have operationalized comprehensive sexuality education curricula in accordance with international standards


Out-of-school comprehensive sexuality education

8 countries have a mechanism or strategy to deliver out-of-school comprehensive sexuality education


Integration of sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth into strategies of sectors apart from health sector

17 countries have integrated sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth into strategies of sectors apart from health sector


Youth participation in policy and programmes

12 countries have developed mechanisms for young people's participation in policy, programming, and peacebuilding


Reproductive rights, laws and policies

21 countries have strategies to align laws, policies and regulations on reproductive rights


Men and boys

4 countries have a national mechanism to engage men and boys in policies and programmes to advance gender equality and reproductive rights


Rights of marginalized groups

18 countries have rolled out intervention models or strategies that empower marginalized and excluded groups to exercise their reproductive rights


Multi-sector platforms

7 countries have established platforms for dialogue on reproductive rights, fully engaging civil society, including faith-based and state actors


Inquiries into reproductive rights

1 countries have conducted inquiries into the exercise of reproductive rights


Social norm mapping

5 countries have completed social norm mapping based on UNFPA social norm framework


Social norms change programmes

6 countries have utilized UNFPA manual on social norms and change


Gender-based violence platform

17 countries have a national mechanism to engage multiple stakeholders to prevent and address gender-based violence


Data on gender-based violence

8 countries have national systems to collect and disseminate data on the incidence of gender-based violence


Gender-based violence in emergencies

7 countries have applied at least 15 of the 18 minimum standards for the prevention of and response to gender-based violence in emergencies


National plans against harmful practices

14 countries have developed a costed national action plan to address harmful practices


Vital statistics

6 countries have generated and published annual vital statistics based on civil registration


Population projections

15 countries have generated publically available population projections at national and subnational levels, disaggregated by age, sex, and location


Small area estimations

5 countries have generated and used small area estimations of sexual and reproductive health indicators for programme planning

National plan for sexual and reproductive health

7 countries have developed a costed, integrated national plan for sexual and reproductive health, prioritizing access for key groups

Sexual and reproductive health in risk pooling schemes

5 countries have integrated sexual and reproductive health services into risk pooling schemes

Sexual and reproductive health in emergency preparedness plans

16 have integrated sexual and reproductive health into emergency preparedness plans

Emergency obstetric and newborn care

24 met coverage for emergency obstetric and newborn care

Adolescent-friendly Sexual and reproductive health services

18 countries have provided quality assured adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health services

Health services for sexual violence survivors

15 countries have provided essential health services for survivors of sexual violence

Cervical cancer screening services

4 countries have offered cervical cancer screening services

Sexual and reproductive health/HIV index

14 countries have applied the sexual and reproductive health/HIV integration index

Midwifery curricula: international standards

14 countries have implemented midwifery school curricula based on international standards

Midwifery curricula: inclusion of special needs

14 countries have included needs of persons with disabilities in midwife curricula

Adolescent health competencies

12 included adolescent health competencies in curricula of health professionals

Discrimination prevention in health curricula

10 countries have included prevention of stigma and discrimination in curricula of health professionals

Supply chain management strategy

6 countries have a costed supply chain management strategy that includes UNFPA/WHO recommendations on rights-based contraceptive delivery

Logistics management information system

13 countries have used a logistics management information system for forecasting and monitoring sexual and reproductive health commodities

Sexual and reproductive health indicators available

23 countries have periodically collected sexual and reproductive health indicators, and made them publically available

Patient satisfaction surveys

12 countries have conducted routine patient satisfaction surveys on provision of sexual and reproductive health services

Maternal death notification

11 countries have been notified of at least 25 per cent of maternal deaths

School-based comprehensive sexuality education

17 countries have operationalized comprehensive sexuality education curricula in accordance with international standards

Out-of-school comprehensive sexuality education

8 countries have a mechanism or strategy to deliver out-of-school comprehensive sexuality education

Integration of sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth into strategies of sectors apart from health sector

17 countries have integrated sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth into strategies of sectors apart from health sector

Youth participation in policy and programmes

12 countries have developed mechanisms for young people's participation in policy, programming, and peacebuilding

Reproductive rights, laws and policies

21 countries have strategies to align laws, policies and regulations on reproductive rights

Men and boys

4 countries have a national mechanism to engage men and boys in policies and programmes to advance gender equality and reproductive rights

Rights of marginalized groups

18 countries have rolled out intervention models or strategies that empower marginalized and excluded groups to exercise their reproductive rights

Multi-sector platforms

7 countries have established platforms for dialogue on reproductive rights, fully engaging civil society, including faith-based and state actors

Inquiries into reproductive rights

1 countries have conducted inquiries into the exercise of reproductive rights

Social norm mapping

5 countries have completed social norm mapping based on UNFPA social norm framework

Social norms change programmes

6 countries have utilized UNFPA manual on social norms and change

Gender-based violence platform

17 countries have a national mechanism to engage multiple stakeholders to prevent and address gender-based violence

Data on gender-based violence

8 countries have national systems to collect and disseminate data on the incidence of gender-based violence

Gender-based violence in emergencies

7 countries have applied at least 15 of the 18 minimum standards for the prevention of and response to gender-based violence in emergencies

National plans against harmful practices

14 countries have developed a costed national action plan to address harmful practices

Vital statistics

6 countries have generated and published annual vital statistics based on civil registration

Population projections

15 countries have generated publically available population projections at national and subnational levels, disaggregated by age, sex, and location

Small area estimations

5 countries have generated and used small area estimations of sexual and reproductive health indicators for programme planning

Technical notes
  • The results featured here are a selection of key results in line with indicators for the 2018-2021 UNFPA Strategic Plan. The selection reflects a majority of results achieved, but not all results achieved during the strategic plan cycle by UNFPA programme countries.
  • The source of data for most country level indicators are the UNFPA country annual reports for the displayed year selected between 2018-2021, unless stated otherwise.
  • A majority of the results are captured from 127 UNFPA programme countries.
  • Results featured are cumulative - i.e., achieved within the 2018 and 2021 timeframe, and reflect the net situation, true as of the year selected for display.
  • Countries marked ‘To Be Achieved’ have targeted the selected indicator during the 2018-2021 but were reportedly not achieved in the year selected for display.
  • Countries in gray marked ‘No UNFPA programme or data not reported’, could imply any of the following conditions:
    • The country may have achieved the result without the support of UNFPA
    • The country has not targeted the given indicator during the 2018-2021 period
    • UNFPA did not receive pertinent reported data for that country in the year selected for display

Notes for global highlights

  • Unintended pregnancies averted - estimates generated using the MSI impact 2.3 model, based on the procurement of reproductive health commodities
  • New HIV infections averted - estimates generated using impact models; not disaggregated by region or country level
  • Marginalized girls who benefited from life skills programmes - results reflect 2018 achievements only
  • Lives saved -
  • Maternal deaths averted - estimates generated using the MSI impact 2.3 model, based on the procurement of reproductive health commodities
  • Unsafe abortions averted - estimates generated using the MSI impact 2.3 model, based on the procurement of reproductive health commodities
  • Sexually transmitted infections averted -
  • Girls saved from female genital mutilation -
  • UNFPA-assisted safe deliveries in humanitarian or fragile settings
  • Pregnancies and deliveries by UNFPA-supported midwives
  • Percentage of population scheduled to be counted by 2020 and was counted -
  • Couple-years of protection for contraceptives procured by UNFPA - Global total amount only displayed in global highlights.
  • Women and young people reached with sexual and reproductive health services -
  • Women and girls living with obstetric fistula received treatment -
  • Women and girls who were subjected to violence accessed essential services -
  • Prevention/protection services related to child marriage - amounts reported by country offices.
  • Prevention/protection services related to female genital mutilation - amounts reported by country offices.
  • Disabled women and girls subjected to violence accessed essential services - amounts reported by country offices.
  • Advocacy platforms against gender norms - amounts reported by country offices.
  • Public declarations against harmful practices - These results capture the achievements of the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation

Notes for key results

  • Fistula repair surgeries supported by UNFPA: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
  • Health service providers trained on the minimum initial service package: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
  • Marginalized girls reached with health, social and economic asset-building programmes: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
  • Communities that developed advocacy platforms to eliminate discriminatory gender and sociocultural norms that affect women and girls: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
  • Women and girls who were offered prevention and/or protection services and care related to child, early and forced marriage in partnership with UNFPA: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
  • Women and girls who were offered prevention and/or protection services and care related to female genital mutilation in partnership with UNFPA: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
  • Communities which have made public declarations to eliminate harmful practices, with support from UNFPA: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
  • Women and girls subjected to violence who were provided with access to essential services packages: Baseline not available; results achieved in 2018 only
  • Number of countries that have the capacity to implement the Minimum Initial Service Package at the onset of a crisis: UNFPA reflected non-cumulative figures for this indicator; the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) is a series of crucial actions required to respond to reproductive health needs at the onset of every humanitarian crisis. View here for more information on MISP
  • Results achieved in 2018 only: 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 8.2, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.6 14.2

The designations employed and the presentation of material on the map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNFPA concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Due to coding limitations the wording across the indicators is standard, both in the global page and the individual country pages. The wording is applied homogeneously to all reporting offices and is by no means an endorsement or statement of recognition of sovereignty. A dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties.

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