Environmental Sustainability
Resource date: 22 Apr 2021
Author: FASP
Publisher: UNFPA PD
Resource date: 22 Apr 2021
Author: FASP
Publisher: UNFPA PD
The UNFPA Environmental Efficiency Strategy (EES) describes the environmental management system of the UNFPA and is based on CEB Decision CEB2019/1/Add.1 - Strategy for Sustainability Management in the UN system 2020-2030. The present document provides a framework, inspired by the ISO 14001:2015 standard, that will help the UNFPA achieve 45% emissions reduction from its operations, while mainstreaming environmental considerations into key management functions.
The UNFPA Environmental Vision defines the environmental objectives of the UNFPA and is the driver for implementing its EMS to maintain and improve its environmental performance. It reflects the commitment of top management and is signed by the Executive Director.