Partnering With Men To End Gender-Based Violence
Practices that work from Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Number of pages: 108
Publication date: 01 Jan 2009
Author: UNFPA
Publisher: UNFPA
Number of pages: 108
Publication date: 01 Jan 2009
Author: UNFPA
Publisher: UNFPA
This report documents good practices in preventing and responding to gender-based violence. The five case studies featured within document initiatives in Armenia, Romania,Türkiye and the Ukraine that were implemented by governments and other partners with the support of UNFPA. Although the reports focus on initiatives in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the practices and lessons learned can be applied throughout the globe.
In Türkiye, national partners worked to change perceptions of domestic violence among the police. Another case study documents the integration of reproductive health and gender into the Turkish military curriculum. The Romanian case study focuses on a a well-coordinated institutional response to curb domestic violence and serve survivors of domestic violence. In Armenia, village trainings challenged patriarchal norms and encouraged men to share decision-making with their spouses. The final case study documents how NGOs were empowered to address gender-based violence in the Ukraine.
The cases studies provide the reader with a step-by-step analysis of how the work in each project was carried out. The publication is organized into two sections. The first consists of five case studies; the second provides a synthesis of good practices from the region. The case studies are written in a user-friendly format to provide the reader with a quick reference when planning and programming similar initiatives.