UNFPA Ethiopia

The second most populous country in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ethiopia’s economy has experienced strong growth over the past decade, though its impact on poverty reduction is limited. Active in the country since 1973, UNFPA supports efforts to increase access to sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning and emergency obstetric care. Programmes also assist in addressing harmful practices that jeopardize the health of women and girls, such as female genital mutilation/cutting. The contraceptive prevalence rate has doubled in recent years, but challenges remain in promoting gender equality and improving maternal health.

Data overview View more


Population par tranche d'âge, %
    Population âgée de 0 à 14 ans (en %)
    Population âgée de 15 à 64 ans (en %)
    Population aged 65+

Santé sexuelle et reproductive

Part des naissances encadrées par un personnel de santé qualifié, %, 2014-2019
    Part des naissances encadrées par un personnel de santé qualifié

Planification familiale

Proportion of demand satisfied with modern methods, women aged 15-49, per cent, 2022
    Modern method  


Total net enrolment rate, percent

Gender, Rights, and Human Capital

Pratiques nuisibles

Demographic Dividend: Ethiopia View more

Population Pyramid

Population in thousands

Espérance de vie

Total fertility rate

Select year range
Year: 2018 Note: Years 2017 to 2100 are projected data.
Source: United Nations, Population Division, World Population Prospects: 2017 Revision



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