
UNFPA Launches New Four-Year Development Plan in Iraq

  • 21 March 2011

UNITED NATIONS, New York—A new agreement between UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, and the Government of Iraq will enhance efforts to meet the country’s development goals over the next four years.

“We are excited to launch the new plan that represents a new phase in our service to the Iraqi people,” said Dr. Georges M. Georgi, UNFPA Representative in Iraq. “UNFPA has been a long presence in Iraq—going back to 1971—and we look forward to continuing our cooperation with the Iraqi Government to improve the well-being of the people, particularly the most vulnerable, including women and girls.”

Dr. Sami Metti, Deputy Minister of Planing (left), signing the new UNFPA CPAP with Radouane Belouali, UNFPA Chief of Operation in Iraq. Photo: UNFPA/Iraq

The 2011-2014 Country Programme Action Plan addresses the lack of adequate population-related strategies and action plans on priority issues, particularly rapid population growth, migration/displacement and urbanization, as well youth development and gender equality. Such strategies and plans are essential, considering that, with a high annual growth rate nearing 3.4 per cent, the Iraqi population has tripled from 10.2 million in 1970 to 31.4 million in 2010. This figure is expected to quadruple by 2050, according to the agreement. UNFPA, working with partners, will help the Government strengthen population-related data collection, analysis and use and support the National Statistical System to secure a proper monitoring mechanism of population-related priorities.

UNFPA will also support the Iraqi Government’s work in reproductive health and women’s and girls’ protection and empowerment, through a human rights-based as well as gender- and culture- sensitive approaches. It will do so by enhancing the efficiency of primary health care and referral systems and improving women’s access to reproductive health, family planning and psychosocial services.

According to the agreement, UNFPA will help the Iraqi Government to install services and mechanisms to protect and empower women and young girls, as well as strengthen national strategies on combating violence against women. The Fund will also support civil society organizations’ efforts to prevent violence against women at grass-roots levels, empower women and promote their participation in decision-making.

The new UNFPA plan focuses attention on promoting the rights and development of children and young adults up to the age of 35, who, according to the agreement, constitute 80 per cent of the Iraqi population. UNFPA will also help create mechanisms for 15-24 year olds to be more actively engaged in the country’s development.

The Government of Iraq signed the new $30 million four-year UNFPA Action Plan in Baghdad earlier last week, along with the 2011-2014 plans of the United Nations Children’s Fund and the United Nations Development Programme.


Contact information:

Omar Gharzeddine
Tel: + 1 212 297 5028

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